Hello Everyone.

31 Aug 2022, 15:05
Hello Everyone! DEFIT Team is overwhelmed by the community response and support to the official launch of our new app and Free-to-Play game mode! It ain't perfect (yet) but our several phases launch allowed us to collect last week most of the common bugs/issues you are experiencing and fixes have been developed this week. An app update will be pushed end of the week! Shout out to our devs @fscholly @socheat_leang 💪 This Free-to-Play game mode will make Move-To-Earn accessible to all and help us grow DEFIT community as a lightning speed ⚡️ While we continue monitoring all discord tickets, and work on the next update to stabilise the Free-To-Play with a large amount of compatible devices, fine tuning the data model and implementing our anti-cheat system, our product lead @DEFIT_Cyril also started as planned to roll-out the most awaited Club Member Game Mode 😎 We will proceed by phases as well as described below: Team and VIP Holders Global leaders & Early Testers by early next week ✔️ Diamond and Platinum members TBC ✔️ Gold holders TBC ✔️ Silver holders TBC ✔️ Bronze holders TBC ✔️ Once these two game modes are launched successfully it will be time for us to scale the game and begin the BabyFIT marketing campaign leading into our NFT pre-sale! It's gonna be a great ride 🚀 We're grateful for the support and entirely committed to our mission, making DEFIT a Blueprint in the Move To Earn Segment. Team DEFIT